We’re improving the way you create and manage activities in Fellowship One!
Knowing the challenge that users face when creating new activities, our team set out to create a workflow that would provide guidance and clarify
activity settings. We also took a look at the data and actions you need to have easy access to when managing your activities and we’ve made improvements there as well!
Let’s dig right into this release starting with the Ministry Menu.
We’ve also introduced a new Activities View All screen.
The new Add Activity workflow is one of our favorite parts of this release!
Improved the Activity view for added efficiency.
These are just some of the great enhancements being released to make adding and managing Activities and Assignments easier!
Here’s what some of our F1 Champions had to say after using these new features in beta.
We hope you feel the same!
And don’t worry – we’re leaving the existing activity creation functionality in place for a few weeks, giving you a chance to get familiar with the new workflow.