Here Comes Summer – Five Steps to Get Your Communications Plans Ready Your Easter Sunday services took hours of planning, organizing, and preparation, and now that they’re over, it’s time for—more planning, more organizing, and more
10 Tips to Recruit and Train Quality VBS Volunteers Summer is a ways out, but it’s never too early to start planning for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) or summer children's program!
Ready to Rejoice: Four Strategies for Planning your Easter Worship Services On Easter Sunday, your church wants to reach everyone you can with the message of Christ’s sacrificial love and eternal redemption. You want that
4 Ways Worship Planning Software Can Organize Your Service Praise and worship music has the power to calm and teach, transforming even the hardest of hearts. But most importantly, it can connect a
How to Engage First-Time Church Visitors on Easter As a church, you’ve probably seen the crazy spike in your attendance with new, old, and current Easter visitors on Easter Sunday. Whether it’s
Home for the Holidays: Socially Distanced Christmas Resources for Your Church The holidays won’t be the same this year. Constant waves of COVID-19 breakouts have put family gatherings and church functions on hold. This means
5 Ways to Improve Your Church Newsletter For decades, churches have created weekly or monthly bulletins to share upcoming events with attendees. While printing and mailing have risen in cost, the
5 Kinds of Social Media Posts that Increase Engagement for Churches Churches can harness the power of social media to reach both members and nonmembers, taking advantage of social media’s ability to engage with people
5 Ways Your Church Can Make an Impeccable First Impression It’s been said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. While that’s not always true, the first impression a
How Church Management Software Leads to Church Membership How exactly can strong church management software affect church membership? If you’re in church leadership, you may have asked that question before. You may