Leadership Inspiration for the Month During our usher, pre-service huddle, David shared his prayer request, “Please pray for my spouse as she will have a long recovery at home…”
3 Tips for Scheduling Volunteers Churches—and every ministry within a church—need to schedule volunteers to run smoothly. The worship team, ushers, youth group, children’s church, childcare, outreaches and more—they
The Recommended Children’s Church Adult:Child Ratio There’s nothing greater than a bustling children’s church, filled with kids eager to play, have fun, and learn about the Lord. But when children’s
5 Back-to-School Party Ideas for Youth Groups It’s time to get back to school! Summer camp and vacations are over. Students are excited—and maybe a little nervous—about their new classes. Your
5 Team-building Games for Kid’s Church It’s that time—and “Move Up Day” for Kid’s Church is a special time of graduating older kids and welcoming new kids into the group.
Leadership Inspiration for the Month By Mark DeMoss, Director of Customer Success and Billing I can not count to 20. That would be a true statement of my 3-year-old
Information You MUST Collect from Church Visitors When first-time visitors arrive, churches are often excited to collect as much information from them as possible. First name, last name, address, email, phone
The Best Times to Get Visitor Information Most community-focused churches welcome new visitors on a weekly basis. And holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are always busy times when visitors enter
Budget-Friendly Gifts for First-Time Guests [Infographic] Creating an inviting church that makes visitors want to return is an essential component to church growth. One of the ways you can make
5 Ways to Welcome First-time Visitors When your church receives first-time visitors, you want to be sure they always feel welcome. Here are five tried-and-true ways to do exactly that