Category: Tips & Tricks

4 Ways Worship Planning Software Can Organize Your Service
Praise and worship music has the power to calm and teach, transforming even the hardest of hearts. But most importantly, it can connect a
3 Ways a Recurring Gifts Program Pays for Itself
One of the most powerful tools churches and ministries can implement is a recurring gift program. By encouraging congregants and supporters to give on
3 Ways to Ensure Success of Your Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible Schools are a popular church outreach that not only draw children closer to their faith, but also allows parents to get to
4 Details to Communicate When Reopening Church
As you plan to reopen your church, you must clearly communicate with your congregation what they can expect. For their safety and the communities,
4 Simple Tips to Inspire Older Adults to Experience Church Online
While older adults have adopted technology into their everyday lives, 77% need assistance when learning how to use it. While the elderly are most
FellowshipOne Go Features Your Church Should Know About
If you still think of your church software as a static database, it might be time to take a closer look at the ways
Good Habits Healthy Churches Share (Part 2)
In Part 1, we looked at powerful church management software, creating a positive giving experience, and other good habits healthy churches share. Now, let’s
Contact Management Best Practice
Many churches do a great job of pastoral care. They are quick to respond to urgent hospital visits, family emergencies, crisis of faith or