Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the giving upgrade.

What will happen to my giving schedules?
After the upgrade is complete, all active giving schedules will continue to process without interruption on FellowhsipOne Giving, powered by Kindrid.
Will my current links on our website still work?
Yes! Your congregation can continue to use the same InFellowship giving links that are currently on your website.
What do I need to communicate to contributors/congregation?
With the giving schedules continuing to process and InFellowship links continuing to work as they do today, you can communicate as much or as little as you feel necessary. Donors will still use to the same sites and the same InFellowship ID login credentials that they already use. The only change will be small change in appearance and navigation on the InFellowship giving pages.
How do donors access the site?
Your contributors will continue to access their information and giving schedules through the same InFellowship links they currently use.
What options are available for giving?
This upgrade will give you the options of Give Without Account, Give Now, Scheduled Giving, and Text-to-Give
Are there communication materials available for us to send to donors?
Yes! Our Giving Help Center has resources for you to send your contributors. Click here for access to those resource.
What resources are available for me to use in sending to congregants?
We have video Tutorials available for you to provide your congregants. Click here for access to those resources.
Where will donors go to give and how will they give?
Donors will continue use any bookmarks directing them to InFellowship as well as any existing links on your website. This upgrade will provide you with new options to embed giving forms directly on your website as well as text-to-give options.
Donors will continue to be able to give via Credit/Debit Cards and eCheck.
When will this happen?
This upgrade will happen in waves scheduled to begin in September and complete in early November.
Can I chose when this will happen?
Upgrades will be completed in waves. We are working to assign each customer to an upgrade wave/date. Your Church Success partner can assist with questions about your pre-determined upgrade wave/date. Email them at:
Will all of my bank accounts still map correctly?
Yes! All bank accounts will be mapped to the proper Funds setup in FellowshipOne.
How many admins can we have?
There is one primary login and multiple secondary logins that have similar access. We recommend limiting access only to the individuals within your organization that should have visibility into contributor information.
Will my admin login carry over?
At this time there is a need to have a separate login to FellowshipOne Giving, powered by Kindrid, until we can join the two with a later release.
How will this change event registration?
The first phase of the FellowshipOne powered by Kindred will be contributions only. We will be adding the event registration piece in future releases.
How will it integrate with InFellowship/F1 Premier –
Your Contributors will see your Give Now form when they select the URL to Give Now.
Your Admins will see the giving history in F1 ChMS and in F1 Giving powered by Kindrid.
More details can be found here.
Will all giving show in F1 Giving powered by Kindrid?
Yes, it is possible to make offline transactions visible as explained here. This is in addition to the option of displaying Giving History in InFellowship.
What training materials are available for admins?
We have articles and videos to help you get started.
What is MinistryOne?
MinistryOneis a Mobile Application for your church.
Can MinistryOne work with Premier?
Our Development team is working on an integration with the ChMS and the MinistryOne app.
How do I create forms
Here is a link to the video tutorial on creating forms.
What will the rates be?
We are currently still working through the final rates as we strive to make them as competitive as possible. As we get closer to the initial upgrade waves, your Church Success Partner will be able to provide you with more detailed information regarding the rates.
How long until I receive the deposits
How do I reconcile?
Reconciling bank deposits is a breeze with the new system! Information can be found here and we will be providing additional details on how to reconcile FellowshipOne Giving with the FellowshipOne portal.
Will I keep the same Merchant Account Provider? (Sage, FAPS, etc)
Along with the online giving upgrade, we are also updating our payment processing system. This will replace Cybersource, ProfitStars, and any other Merchant Account Provider that you may currently use. Those accounts will eventually be closed and we will work with you on any Early Termination Fees that may result.
Will this impact my Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) account I have with FellowshipOne through ProfitStars?
No, the RDC setup is separate and will not be impacted. Customers using RDC will continue to use an account with ProfitStars to process RDC even though it will no longer be used for Online Giving or Event Registration transactions.
Will I still have login access like Cybersource/ProfitStars to see transactions and manage refunds?
One of the great things about this upgrade is that you no longer need to access multiple systems. Everything will be in one place. Everything can and will be managed through the FellowshipOne Giving Manger Portal.
How will transactions be deposited?
All transactions (CC/ACH) will be batched out daily and deposited 3 business days later in one deposit. Reports within the FellowshipOne Giving Manager Portal will help easily identify and reconcile the deposits.
What will I need to do for PCI compliance?
We handle everything for those on the new system. No additional steps are needed on your side for PCI Compliance. More information can be found here.